By Yerba Sutra Go To PostY'all are doing an outstanding job with this site. I love it and have been having fun just browsing around for a couple days now taking in the UI along with enjoying the community. I particularly love the ease of switching between edit and preview when typing comments. So many forward-thinking implementations here.

Any suggestions I could have atm have been beaten to death already so I'm gonna wait until the stated features are rolled out and try to bring some fresh ideas up.

Mostly wanted to give a recommendation to @Dodongo who posted a few pages back. He's been a good friend of mine for over a decade and we lived together for a few years. When you're ready to let others help with dev here he is definitely someone to trust with it.

Wanted to also echo the sentiment that I'd be more than happy to pitch in a few bucks regularly through a Patreon or something if you decide to go that route. I don't make much but this is the kind of web design and community that deserves my support.

Oh, and I'd like to formally request that I be given a tag by the mods a la GAF if possible. Not now of course, but when I show my ass enough to deserve one. Just doesn't feel right otherwise. Promise I won't fish for one. ❤
I don’t think anyone mentioned it but you can give yourself your own tag in the user control panel