Hi all,

I know a lot of you have plenty of questions of how we got here and what it all means for the future. As far as what all of this means for our community (and if we are being honest, other related communities) from where we came and how it will look like a week, a month, or a year from now, we do not unfortunately have any answers.

But I would like to address a few things that are happening at the moment and hopefully it means that the lot of you that are finding out about all of this are on board and can help us grow to become the fun community we all enjoy being a part of. I hope I speak for all that we are ready to move onward and beyond the drama.

There is currently a plan being executed to make this happen.

This domain, name, and even forum software are completely temporary. That includes everything from the user interface down to the features. This was something that was created two years ago out of necessity and we are just using it as a means to get by. What will it all look like down the line? That's all up in the air right now as the few of us are putting our heads and skillset together to hammer that all out.

I can, however, provide a short glimpse of what you can expect here shortly:

  • This current message board is essentially V0.5
  • We have not decided on a name/domain. The target audience for this community will expand beyond just basketball and the NBA. How far beyond is not yet determined
  • I started the process last night of developing our own custom forum software in a framework called Django with PostgreSQL as our database. This will be V1.0
  • V1.0 is being executed based on a development plan that Sharp (essentially, our backend and sysadmin guru) and I talked about a few months back
  • V2.0 will be written somewhere down the line in a language called Erlang to allow for growth and have the best available server performance (death to 500 errors? Yes, death to 500 errors)
  • I'll be designing the UI on the fly, so V1.0 will be very rough but it will be a much cleaner and improved user experience over what everyone is used to
  • Featureset hasn't been nailed down yet, but early on the most important thing we want is a good core experience over anything

As always, feel free to offer suggestions. The most important thing, however, is to be active and commit to helping us grow.

Thanks all!