Just something I've been thinking about.

When you turn 18, you should get (and all of these are optional):

- A new, free social security number
- A new, free name change

It's really unfair to kids that their parents get to know their SSN. This leads to people using their kids SSN (have actually seen it happen, so this isn't a myth or something I've heard), and the parents can also do weird shit to you even after 18 because they know your SSN. Especially in the case of abusive parents, they have all your details to get into your bank accounts, or find where you live, because they can perpetually prove they are "you".

Also in cases of your parents giving you a shitty name, you can rename yourself.

So I've been thinking. You should get a free name change and a free new SSN number when you turn 18. No questions asked. I'm completely ignoring the issues that giving SSNs out as a kid cause here in the first place, just focusing on the fact that people need to be able to just.. start over outside of their parents' influence.