Ladies and gentlemen of Slaent,

Since we spend so much time on this message board we’re geting to know each other quite well. But in the end we’re still hidden behind our avatars. This thread would be the place to change that for everyone who wishes to do so. A thread where we can post our faces in. May it be selfies, holiday pics or just any other random pic you feel like sharing with us. But before we continue it’s probably a good idea to have a clear set of rules so this thread can be a safe place in which people will feel comfortable losing a bit of their anonymity.

1. First and foremost, keep it civil. We don’t expect you to tell everyone how beautiful they are, but please be considerate when commenting on pictures and keep a positive vibe going.
2. We’re aware of the fact that some people know their ways with photoshop quite well. Just keep those creations for yourself and refrain from shopping pictures from members.
3. Everything about this thread is voluntary. If a member does not wish to share his/her picture with us that’s his/her choice. This also means we won’t allow people to post pictures from other members. We have to respect each others privacy.
4. Last but not least, just don’t creep around. Slaent is not a dating website. Don’t harrass people for more details about their personal life if they don’t feel like sharing them. We also have no need for some fine detective work. This thread should be a safe place just to learn who’s the man or woman behind the avatar.

Having said that, we hope this place can turn into a nice little picture book with a positive attitude.

Kick-off picture

Me and my dad in june before a run in my hometown. No idea where the thumbs up came from. Probably seemed liked a good idea at the time.