Fahz your reply to my post was spot on.

RIP in peace Iwata. Ya brought a hell of a lot of joy to people everywhere.

By Wesleyshark Go To PostI think sometimes it's forgotten that some of the original designs for things were due to working with or around technical limitations. Every Halo game that gets released adds more detail or refined design. This is how it should be. Something that looks and plays exactly the same as it did ten years ago... Where is the growth? The maturation? The depth? It would be very, very stale.
Gonna start by saying I think you seem like a pretty cool guy amd I've got nothin against ya. But Wes, I could write a whole mega post on how wrong you are. And perhaps I will when I'm not on a phone. However right now I can say with complete confidence that this reasoning does not apply to this case in particular and is therefore bullshit.

If you want to make the argument that technical limitations were what held back designs, look at the original concept art as that is the closest you'll get to the actual vision of what something was supposed to be. If you do that, I'm sure you will notice that the Grunts of 343 still do not fit the original vision of the Grunt. The most obvious examole being that Grunts didn't have #butts cheeks. The proportions of the head and neck are also noticeably different as the original Grunts neck did not look like an old man with a case of toad throat. You could also note one of the biggest deviations; IT'S GOT FRICKIN' FLESHY SKIN INSTEAD OF AN EXOSKELETON. Every Grunt has had an exoskeleton. You can see it in not only the texture of the skin, but the segmented appendages and limbs. 343's Grunts had lizard skin and some warts on their arms. Even the new iteration for Halo 5 has lizard skin on its head, neck, arms, and I believe its torso as well. Bungie's adjustments to the Grunts design were very minor and in fact were more in line with what the Grunt was supposed to look like. Bungie was refining the design with each iteration. However, there is only so far you cam go before ya camt really refine it any further. We pretty much hit that with Halo 3.

If 343 wants to expand the universe with new species and sub species, that's radical. Just make sure that you acknowledge that in the actual game by having these new ones fight alongside the old ones. Similar to the Skirmishers. That's how ya god damn do it.

If you like the new designs that is fine dude. Good on ya for enjoying it. However do NOT act as if people being upset by the changes is somehow shocking or unreasonable. It comes off as not only condescending, but dickish to act like people are weird for wanting an internal consistency in the universe. Or just simply wanting the original designs to be respected.

<3 and PC

Now does anyone actually want to play some Halo?