As a person on a student visa, there's a lot about California I haven't experienced. Today, one of my friends drove us down to check out a what you would describe as a Vietnamese coffee shop and all I can say is what the fuck... Apparently it is common from where he grew up in Westminster in Southern California.

So many smoking middle aged, sleep deprived and cheating old men chilling at what is the equivalent of a strip club full of ABGs serving Vietnamese coffee to these men gambling and gossiping about their lives in both English and Vietnamese. The level of sexual harassment I saw there was astounding.

Apparently some of these things get really famous despite how sleezy they can be. From what I understand at my time there is a famous one called Cafe Lu...

I just couldn't take the entire experience seriously and I was shown another side to humanity today. Tell me that these things aren't as common as I've been led to believe... Like can anyone else confirm and tell me about this shit and if they know about it or have been to one?