By Dr3upMushroom Go To PostI’ve seen tickets go for 400 bucks already. You also work for strip clubs so that skews the enjoyment factor.
I'm already used to paying that kind of money for decent seats at HEAT games, concerts, or buying a bottle at a club.

I've been out of the strip club business for the last year and a half since I broke both my left limbs and I wasn't in the business the previous 13 years I lived here and still had a blast. It's not just nightlife. It's getting to walk around boxers and a t-shirt at home in December while the rest of the country is freezing. It's the ridiculous amount of hot women of all shapes and colors. Food from all over the world made by people from those countries. Being able to get just about anything at any time of the day. The amount of water activities and beaches available. Wildlife and vegetation everywhere. So many other things I'm sure I'm forgetting.