Pubg is the epitome of everything wrong with video games today. A half assed, barely half finished, buggy game that people are lapping up and paying actual money for. The game is just a giant sandbox with terrible animations, gunplay & graphics where the aim of the game is to run away like a pussy & hide hoping other people randomly don't find you. There's nothing more 'exciting' than spending 30 minutes of your life hiding in a bathroom with a shotgun pointed at the door..... Zzzzzzz. It doesn't matter if you kill 30+ people, the entire game just comes down to who gets the last kill *golf clap*. No matter how good you are you have to hope you get lucky by 1. Randomly finding decent weapons & 2. Randomly hoping a bigger group of people don't stumble across your location & simply kill you by sheer weight of numbers. And this is some people's goty. Smh.