Three underperforming games in a row. Three TOP OF THE LINE games doing poorly. Three games soaked in some of the best pedigree this medium has had to offer, struggling to find a sustainable audience........
We (game enthusiasts) are fucking up something fierce. Future generations will look back and wonder "what the fuck", at our collective MEH...
"What was hot back then" they will ask trying to understand. "PUGB? What?!!!"

The world building in the Dishonored series is lightyears better than it has any business being. The level design and systems in PREY shame most games of simillar AAA budget and Death of the Outsider is a wonderfull reminder of days when companies released self-contained and meaty story expansions.

I fear for their future... Stay Strong Arkane!!!! :(
These games are all amazing and they are DIRT CHEAP right now. I recommend everyone giving them a try.