I know it's early in the system's lifespan, but I just looked at the lineups for both the PS4 and Xbox One, and Sony has destroyed Microsoft in delivering actual content to people.

Besides Titanfall and that Garden Warfare game, there's literally been nothing interesting on the Xbox one marketplace since it's mediocre launch lineup.

Off the top of my head, Sony has come out with AAA releases like Infamous, FTP offerings like DC universe and Warframe, as well as a shitload of indie titles like Towerfall, Dead Nation, Don't Starve, and Outlast.

Meanwhile on the other end, we get Kinect Sport's Rivals... :o

At least try a little Msoft, nobody cares about that shitty app that feeds us lag-ridden ESPN content.

BTW if anyone's down for some Titanfall add me: Gino23