- The neighborhood is some big hub where you can get shoes, clothes, haircuts etc. and play your Park games
- Can upgrade player through MyCareer, Pro-Am or Park
- Dual archetypes, up to 189 combinations. "Pure" archetypes get more HOF badges
- Individual attribute upgrades are back too
- Can get to 99 OVR but not 99 in attributes, will still be capped based on archetype
- Archetypes badge spreadsheet
- Can create a shirt
- VC allegedly being decoupled from player ratings
- Some new badges, Glue Hands, Free Throw Ace

- A lot of new offline content like "Team schedules" (team based challenges similar to weekly ones)
- Third level of domination added, beat all time historic teams
- Salary cap mode, so no more stacking Diamonds, seems to be replacing MyTeam online
- Draft mode added, where you open a 5 player pack with a coach
- System proficiency added, players perform better if they fit coaches system (might be in normal modes too)
- Blacktop seems dead, no one will miss it

- Subs & playcalling changed back to normal after last years disaster

Switch version:
- Feature parity with PS4/Xbone
- 30fps docked and undocked (lol)
- 25gb for digital version
- Some amiboo integration


Will believe this when I see it