I thought this should be separate from the Relationships and Dating thread because this is a very specific aspect of that.

Being a young Black male, the whole discussion around dating outside of your race is a tricky one to have. Personally, my preference is Black > , but that doesn't stop me from being attracted to women of other ethnicity. But whenever I bring up the topic for discussion, I notice that people deal in absolutes in regards to racial dating.

Take my mom, for instance. I remember when I was a kid, she would always ice grill me for being attracted to White women. She'd say things like "Look, don't bring home no mixed grandbabies!" Hell, I remember one time she slapped the dog shit out of my sister for possibly implying that she thought Justin Timberlake was cute. A few of my other relatives would joke about interracial dating, saying things like "Dog, you gotta get you a White girl, they got good credit and shit." I never really thought much about it.

But then as I got older, I started noticing that people actually believe that kind of shit. I had a friend who legit said to me that he dates Asian women because he thinks they're more "submissive". I had another who only fucks with White women because he thinks they are are inherently better than Black women and don't embarrass you in public as much. And that was just the circle I grew up around.

I also noticed that people like to project their own insecurities and issues with race and/or dating onto others as if others are responsible for said insecurities. Like, for instance, the old logic of "All I've dated are Black men. All of those Black men weren't shit; therefore, all Black men ain't shit." Or, as another example, a few of Jessica Williams' (yes, THAT one) Tumblr posts like this one about Black men not being attracted to her because she considers herself to be "White-washed" because she likes more mainstream things that White people like, like Arrested Development. And that somehow makes her seem "weird" and unattractive to Black men. She also has some pretty fantastic things to say about Black men in general on that same Tumblr.
Of course, you also have the people who date certain races because of a physical feature they tend to value. We all know the physical stereotypes about Black men & women, for example.

It all makes it difficult for someone like me to become attracted to a woman of a different race because I would be constantly second-guessing myself, as well as her... asking myself questions like "Do I like her for her, or because she's Asian? Does she see me for who I am, or for my skin color?" Idk, maybe I'm thinking too much about it...