Show Me A Hero is a 6 episode mini series based on a non-fiction book about Mayor Nick Wasicsko who took office in 1987. The mini-series takes place during Yonkers' worst crisis when federal courts ordered public housing built in the white, middle class side of town, dividing the city in a bitter battle fueled by fear, racism, murder and politics.

Oscar Isaac as Nick Wasicsko, former police officer then Yonkers City Council member running for election to be mayor of Yonkers, eventually the youngest big-city mayor (1987-1989) in the nation

Carla Quevedo as Nay Noe Wasicsko, City Hall staffer, Mayor Wasicsko's wife

Jim Belushi as Angelo R. Martinelli, a six-term Mayor of Yonkers who is Wasicsko's opponent in the election to be mayor of Yonkers

Alfred Molina as Henry J. Spallone, Yonkers City Council member who was passionately anti-housing

Winona Ryder as Vinni Restiano, Yonkers City Council president who advocated for integration

Jim Bracchitta as Nicholas Long, Yonkers City Council member who was outspoken in his criticism of the federal ruling

Terry Kinney as Peter Smith, the Yonkers Housing Authority director

Jon Bernthal as Michael H. Sussman, civil rights attorney and former federal prosecutor; represents the local NAACP chapter

Michael Stahl-David as James Surdoval, Wasicsko's political consultant

Clarke Peters as Robert Mayhawk, neighborhood consultant

Catherine Keener as Mary Dorman, an East Yonkers homeowner

LaTanya Richardson-Jackson as Norma O’Neal, a home health aid who lives in the projects, and is struggling with losing her sight