Ready to throw away Jems, Granadiers and Wahrers Theme back to the deep depths of unused internet where they belong!

...No? thats fine. Carry on. <3

But if you are..

Try out my hyper dark, way too minimalist theme that basically sheds light on nothing.

It is created in Stylish much like Jems, since he provided awesome instructions so lets just steal those!

By jem0208 Go To PostFirst off you need to install an extension called Stylish:
- Chrome link:
- Firefox link:

Once you have that, skip over to my userstyles page for the theme click the huge green button and you are good to go.

Hope you enjoy, there are basically zero visual cues to help you navigate text boxes and stuff, and maybe 3 or 4 of you will actually like it, but thats fine..
Have fun, also, if there are serious visual issues let me know and Ill fix it, this theme was mostly just for personal use but I will gladly accommodate you guys.