So, for the uninitiated, Western-style role playing games usually go for a more grounded & realistic approach to the artstyle and characters. They also tend to be focused on exploration, elements of choice, a morality system, being open ended, consequences, etc, as opposed to a pure storytelling focus in JRPG's. Gameplay in these games also tend to be action focused in real time rather than turn-based, and places more focus on direct player progression (more based on pure experience growth & active abilities vs passive player growth & random chance typically found in JRPG titles).

So, with that said, which of the recent WRPG do you guys find to be the best?

Some candidates:

1. Dragon Age Saga (Origins-Inquisition) - This is an obvious one, and both Origins & Inquisition are highly acclaimed titles. DA2 was Larry Holmes status, tho.

2. The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim - Basically a God-tier game to a lot of people with a HUGE modding community on PC, despite its issues. And, depending on which platform you play on, there are A LOT of issues. I'm actually surprised we haven't seen an HD remaster of this game yet. Player freedom at its finest.

3. Mass Effect 1-3 - Another big WRPG franchise, but this one is more focused on player choice, open-endedness & characters than any other game on this list. Everyone has their favorite character (for me, it's Garrus), favorite love interest (Liara 4 lyfe), and everyone has large discussions of which players that lived or died throughout their playthroughs. BTW, if you kill Wrex, you're an asshole.

Largest problem with the ME series, tho, is that all that player choice... ends up meaning jack fucking shit in the end.

4. Dragon's Dogma - Technically a JRPG, since Capcom made it, but a WRPG through and through. While it hasn't aged too well graphically, it probably has the best gameplay out of any game on this list. I mean... you can scale dragons, breh. Like... you can climb onto dragons mid-fight.

5. Fallout 3 & New Vegas - Imagine Skyrim, but after a nuclear holocaust.

6. The Witcher 1-3 - Self explanatory, honestly. It's basically a BioWare RPG if BioWare had competent writers.

7. Souls/Bloodborne - For real niggas & masochists only.

Personally... I have way more fun with Dragon's Dogma than any other game on this list, but I have a deep soft spot for Mass Effect. That's just me, tho.

I probably left some omissions on this list.