Done. Finished buying games. I just bought Batman AK Premium Edition on PC despite purchasing 17 games during the Steam sale. And before the sale even started another 6 games. Plus Witcher 3. Elder Scrolls Online which I bought on launch for X1 only to install it and never play.

So. I need to fix this shit and start playing these games. I'm sure there are sites that can help you track your backlog. Feel free to list them. I can't be the only one with a huge backlog. If I am this thread will just server as my personal therapy to get me to play these games.

Not buying anything for 3 months. Luckily I got NBA 2K16 on lock from our resident poster Psycho.

I've been working on this for the majority of the evening at the sites and

Here's my current backlog broken down by system:

Between Vita, PS4, X1, and PC...I have 275 games and have only completed 6

What in the fuck

First time I've really sat down and looked at it. Crazy.

How many games are in your backlog. Let's worth through this together ;_;
