I have been online since the days of AOL/CompuServe/MSN.

I have only legit blocked three people since I have been on the internet: two people who frequent the tennis threads on GameFaqs back when Venus and Serena were first hitting the scene, and they insisted on calling them the Williams Brothers and some variation of simian. On top of all the other passive-aggressive racism concerning how they were ugly compared to their favorite skinny, white, blonde goddesses like Martina Hengis and Anna Kournikova, I could no longer endure (lol, tolerate) the overt stuff. BLOCKED.

Over a decade later, I return to GameFaqs to read the thread about the ongoing Major. Every now and then, I still see the "this user is on your ignore list" instead of a post, and I wonder if they have ever changed.

The only other person I've ever blocked is someone who you could consider an ex. We never consummated our relationship per se, but the feels have been there such that I ended up having an emotional affair. Skype conversations were had, photos were exchanged, and I began "shopping" for academic conferences nearby looking for an excuse to see her. Wife stumbled upon the emails and I was toast. A year later, the ex contacts me and is like "we can still be friends." I took that one to the Mrs and she nearly drop-kicked the monitor. BLOCKED.

After the stuff that went down between my dad, brother, and I, I am considering blocking/unfriending/whatever my bro on FB. I'm a transparent kind of guy who depends on writing as catharsis. I expected my dad to react the way that he did because he's predictable, but my brother is elusive, and burned me.

My brother, tho. Not some random person. This is the dude I grew up with. Family.


I've never voluntarily unfriended anyone of FB. I once cleared out all the women on my FB when the emotional affair happened, and kept it that way until it was determined that I could have a healthy relationship with women who are not my wife. On the other hand, I have friends who talk about unfriending ppl all the time. They are those who were/are in academia as the Pew research indicates, they are quick to unfriend people who have stuff to say about Obama or say, the Alabama Supreme Court. My "progressive" friends are quick to silence opinions which dissent from their own, yet they are always championing the voice of the minority.


On the other hand, my conservative friends are always posting the kind of stuff that gets on my progressive friends' nerves. And oftentimes, mine too. But unlike my progressive friends, they don't seem to care what other people think.

I like to keep my FB audience "balanced" like this because whenever something hot goes down, it's entertaining no matter what. Obama wins? Salt on one side, cheers on the other. Republicans win congressional majority? Salt on one side, cheers on the other. No matter who loses, I win.

What are some of your experiences with this in the realm of social media and interaction?
